God is continuously birthing greatness within us, instilling a divine purpose and calling in each of our lives. Just as a seed must be nurtured and carefully cultivated before it blossoms into something beautiful, so too does the greatness God has placed within us. This greatness often emerges in ways we do not expect, through moments of challenge, faith, and surrender to His will. Our unique purpose is not always evident at first, but when we trust in God's timing and embrace His plan, we begin to see His hand shaping our destiny.
Mary’s story teaches us that greatness often begins with surrendering to God’s will, even when the path seems unclear. She embraced her role, not for personal gain, but as an obedient servant of God, willing to carry the weight of His promise and deliverance to the world. Her willingness to serve and her unwavering belief in God's plan made her a vessel of the most extraordinary purpose in history—the birth of Jesus Christ.
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